Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Day3: Tribute Acts

Sometimes I think I hate tribute acts more than life itself... 
The world has become a sorry place where the cocks and the tarts who wouldn't even know what a 'local' band was, will happily pay £20 to WATCH A FUCKING LIMP DICKED BUNCH OF CUNTS pretending to be their heroes on stage... And what's worse... Getting paid for doing it..!
There are a couple who do it as it should be done, such as Gabba Abba Hey, who are an Abba tribute act playing the songs in a Ramones style.. Now that's neat. And I know some who go out as a tribute act to fund their real band, which is sad, but true...
But nobbers like Noasis, King Ov Leon, Black Market Clash, Sex Pistols Experience, Machine Gun Etiquette take the place of real bands, who play real and original music (wankers).
It's a sorry state of affairs that the only way venues, promoters and bars can survive is to put on such crap to pull in the arseholes willing to pay to see it. Fuck Off..!!!!

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