Friday, June 13, 2014

Day12: Dr Alexander

I heard my Doctor was buried the other day. He was not much older than me and a really nice, genuine guy.

When I say my Doctor, or GP if you like, I'd not seen him for 15 years - you see, he was so good that none of his patients were ever ill!!
Dr Alexander wasn't your usual 'Oh it's a virus' type quack, who'd fob you off with some placebo. No, he'd sit, he'd listen and if he could do something to help you he would.
He instigated my first course of tattoo removal on the NHS, we swapped tales of festivals and swapped punk rock music. He diagnosed my  2-year old daughter's ongoing 'cough' as an ear problem, which an operation resolved. He also cut off my ex's ears!! :)
So when I received a text to say he had died, it stopped me in my tracks... Gutted.. 
Today really is a shit day...

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